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Top Muscle Building Foods

There are hundreds of different foods that can help you build muscle. But here I became to show you just five foods that will help your to gain muscle fast.
1.Eggs: Eggs have been vilified for years as the poster child for artery clogging foods; but further research into the role of dietary cholesterol and heart disease shows that for most people the two are not linked. Eggs have since returned to the spotlight as a health food; but they are also a serious muscle building food. The cholesterol found in the yolk of eggs serves at the scaffolding for steroid hormones and the ½ a gram of leucine per egg is like throwing gasoline on your muscle building fire.

Muscle Building Foods2.Nuts: Nuts are a must for any hard gainer struggling to put on weight. 1 ounce of cashew or almonds contains 150-170 high quality calories. Nuts are the perfect blend of protein, fats, and fiber allowing you to get the extra calories you need without having them pad your waistline. Nuts are also extremely portable making them the perfect thing to snack on during the day if you need to increase your calorie intake.

3.Chickpeas: Chickpeas should be your anytime carb source of choice. If you are having trouble getting big and staying lean, replace some of the rice and grain in your diet with chickpeas. This versatile bean contains 45 grams of slow acting carbs per cup along with 12 grams of fiber.

4.Sweet Potatoes: Of all the starchy carbohydrates out there, sweet potatoes are the best option. They are easy to make and sweet to eat. Sweet potatoes are complex carbohydrates with vitamin A and vitamin B and they contain fiber and that can help an athlete on a diet feel full and satisfied. They can be utilized per-workout, post-workout and at any other meal.

5.Salmon Fish: Salmon contains both high quality protein and the long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. These omega-3 fats are most well known for their ability to improve heart health but they also inhibit muscle breakdown while increasing the anabolic capacity of amino acids. If you don’t like eating fish then make sure to take a fish oil supplement to reap these benefits.